Our School Day
Reception - Year 6:
Our school gates open at 08:35 with classrooms open from 08:45.
Registration is at 08:50 and we begin our day with morning worship at 09:00.
Morning break is 10:40-10:55.
Lunch for EYFS is from 11:30 with KS1 and KS2 from 12:00.
Afternoon lessons begin at 13:00.
Our school day ends at 15:15.
Children must be in school before 09:00.
Arriving between 09:00-09:15 will result in a late mark on the register.
Arriving after 09:15 will result in a U mark on the register, which is a period of unauthorised absence.
Registration is at 08:50 and we begin our day with morning worship at 09:00.
Nursery finishes at 11:45.
The office can be contacted between 08:00-16:30.